
Relationship Between Babylonians And Babylonians

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Mesopotamia is one of the oldest civilizations. The civilization contained many city states and Babylon is one of them. At its height, Babylon was one of the largest, most important cities of the ancient world. It came to be understood in Akkadian as bab-ili, meaning “gate of the god,” also written in Sumerian as ka-dingir-ra, which has the same meaning. Around 2050-2000 BC, the great kingdom of the Sumerians was attacked by external invaders. Sumeria had been a powerful kingdom in the western part of Asia, and it had roughly occupied the land that one day had become Babylonia .The history of Babylonia is considered to have started with Hammurabi, who became the king of the city of Baby-lon in 1792 BC. Hammurabi enlarged his kingdom and established …show more content…

Babylonian people were very influenced by the older Sumerian culture.Under the reign of Hammurabi’s dynasty (that is called the First Dynasty of Babylon), which lasted about 200 years, Babylonia entered into a period of extreme prosperity and relative peace. Between the 16th century and the 12th century BC other external invaders (the Kassites, Assyrians and the Elamites) gained control over Babylonia.Towards the end of the 12th century BC, however, a Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, defeated the invaders and re-established the kingdom of Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar added a good deal of land to Babylonia and eventually attacked Assyria. His dynasty (called the Second Dynasty of Babylon), helped by one of the most powerful tribes outside Babylon, the Chaldeans, ruled Babylonia until 539 …show more content…

They used more than 350 signs in their writing. They used to write on soft clay tablets by pen made of bone and bamboo. Then they baked tablets on sun shine and kept one after another. During the reign of Hammurabi, the famous Emperor of Babylon, education spread in the look and corner of that land.
He established many schools for the students. The Babylonian boys put emphasis on writing, reading and Mathematics and girls were fond of song and dance. From the ruins of a Babylonia an inspiring sentence was written on the wall of school. That sentence was—”He who shall excel in tablet-writing shall shine like the sun”. This shows the love of the Babylonians for education.
In ancient writings the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were first described by Berossus, a Chaldaean priest who lived in the late 4th century BCE. In his book Babyloniaca, written around 280 BCE, he describes the gardens and attributes them to the great Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. Many other Greek historians went on to provide detailed descriptions of the gardens, citing either Berossus' work, or from accounts of other ancients.

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