
Relationship Between Infants And Toddlers

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Every child differentiates from other infants physically, and every family face different issues when raising them. There are some things, however, that many families deal with during the development of their child. They acknowledge how their children grow and develop many human characteristics. Observation and imitation is an important aspect in how infants learn to communicate and to behave. Consequently, memory, the ability to encode, retain, and recall information over time complements their development. By observing everything around them and retaining it in their memory, a child starts to show emotional, physical, intellectual, and social development. The relation between a baby and their parents starts when they are born, but the process …show more content…

The learning process appears to begin with coordinating movements of the body with incoming sensory data. As infants intentionally attempt to interact with the environment, infants learn that certain actions lead to specific consequences. These experiences are the beginning of the infants' understanding of cause‐and‐effect relationships. At 24 months, children can begin to run, kick a ball, and walk up and down stairs (while holding onto someone’s …show more content…

Infants may recognize and remember primary caretakers, as well as familiar surroundings. Early memory experiences help infants and toddlers to understand basic concepts and categories, all of which are central to more completely understanding the world around them. Talking begins with babbling, which leads to gradually learning to say and respond to simple words and phrases. According to psycholinguists, acquisition of language also occurs within a social and cultural context. Socializing agents—family members, peers, teachers, and the media—teach children how to think and act in socially acceptable ways. Children learn about the world and society as they learn to use language. Toddlers will play in parallel—near another child, but not with that

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