
Relationship Between Macbeth And Lady Macduff

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At Macduff’s castle, Lady Macbeth is angry at Macduff for leaving his family behind. She thinks Macduff is a coward. Ross says that Macduff left because of wisdom, not fear. Ross leaves, Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead. He doesn’t believe her, she asks if he thinks he is a traitor. Lady Macduff believes he is, and she thinks traitors should be hung for treason. A servant comes in and tells them that there may be danger. Lady Macduff and her son are then murdered in their chamber. In this scene, it is evident from the mother-son conversation that Macduff's son shows wisdom. For example, the son is smart enough to recognize that his mother is exaggerating. He says he knows that she is lying about his father's death. Moreover,

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