
Relationship Between Myrtle Wilson And Jay Gatsby

Decent Essays

Similarly to Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson has a secret lover by her side. She works as a mistress and her employer and lover Tom keeps her as a part of his false, double life. Although, Myrtle has a loving, caring husband, her desire of moving up the social ladder leads her into an affair with Tom. She only looks at a man as a way of getting what she wants: “The only crazy I was was when I married him.” This quote occurs when Myrtle talks to Tom about why she marries the person that she does not care about. In a like manner, Daisy has problematic relationships with men. Daisy's reaction to both men is that, she loves both Jay Gatsby and her husband Tom. Even though her love for Gatsby lasts for a “long time” and is "true," as she marries

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