
The Role Of Myrtle In The Great Gatsby

Satisfactory Essays

Gatsby, in his eyes is lacking morals in which he needs to be able to have something with Daisy. Gatsby achieves what he thinks will win over daisy, money. Gatsby has all the money he could ask for but is still unhappy. “Can’t repeat the past?…Why of course you can!” (Pg 63 F. Scott Fitzgerald). He hopes to live back in the past with Daisy. And one of the points in the American Dream is to be able to become successful finically, which will bring happiness. Myrtle in the other hand was limited to the opportunities she can have marring George. Yet another one of the concepts of the American Dream is to have unlimited amounts of opportunities. But that broad horizon was narrowed down the second she said "I do". George her husband hasn't even had

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