
Relief Printing Activity For Young Children Essay

Decent Essays

In addition to allowing children complete creative licence over their art, printmaking introduces them to formal printing processes. For example, relief printing with wood is considered one of the oldest methods of printmaking.Typically relief printing involves carving or etching a design (etching uses acid to create the recessed design) into a particular surface (wood, linoleum, and metal being the traditional medians), covering that surface with ink, placing fabric over the ink, and removing that fabric to reveal a print. As illustrated in the adjacent picture the low level design creating on the original surface results in a white design on the final print. In our relief printing activity for young children, a portion of the original surface has had its paint removed to create the same effect. Most of the activities we will present in this chapter will either mimic relief printing in some way or allow children to make their mark/print using recycled materials. Every activity will allow children to interact with several different art concepts simultaneously, strengthen their motor skills, and allow them to exercise their unique language of thought. Process focused art …show more content…

Children’s sensory exploration develops. Firstly, they can observe the shape of bubble wrap. Second, they can strengthen their fine motor skills by pressing the bubble wrap onto paper to create paints. Also, when children use the brush to paint, they have to control their movement and how to hold a brush. Therefore, they need patients and flexibility to use this brush and this can develop their grass motor skill. Furthermore, when children do this activity, they need to combine to use their eyes and hands to work together. This can help children use two parts of the body cooperate. Moreover, when children use the brush to daub the bubble wrap, they can hear the sound that it makes and they can understand more and learn more about this

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