
Religion Within Politics

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Incorporation of Religion in Politics Arman Gevorgyan California State University, Sacramento Hobbes and Locke had different, yet slightly similar, views on the relationship of religion within politics. While Locke’s essay portrayed himself to have more of a religious foundation in his doctrine, Hobbes did not speak of religion too often, and whenever religion was spoken, it was not very in the Leviathan. Hobbes used the forms of senses and imagination to discredit or to divert of supernatural being existence and experience in the normal world . Locke, however, used divine privilege in order to prove or add validity to his points about Natural Rights and Liberties. Hobbes wrote that everything that is observed is known through our ,"eyes, ears, and other parts of the man 's body, and by diversity of working produce the diversity of appearances" (Hobbes ,1996). This ability is what Hobbes calls our senses. These senses give humans the ability to get the sensual awareness of immediate and future objects. Once these objects have been observed by the senses, it gets stored in the mind as imagination, and slowly starts to decay. However, before being completely erased from memories, these sensed images and noises repeat themselves in the form of dreams. “Imagination, therefore, is nothing but decaying sense; and is found in men and many other living creatures, as well sleeping as waking” (Hobbes, 1996), and memories get envisioned and misunderstood as spirits.

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