
Religious Experience Project

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I interviewed my dear friend Ashley Johnson for my Religious Experience Project. She was a natural choice for me. I admire her genuineness and kindness, but what inspired me to interview her for my project was how seamlessly her religion is integrated into her life. She is a shining example of Christianity without ever being preachy. She has a passionate and intimate relationship with her God that inspires me. This is exemplified by her response to my question “How would you describe your relationship with God?” Here simple answer was: “Like a love story.” I know I have much to learn from her and understanding her religion and beliefs would be a good place to start.

Ashley is part of New Covenant Movement. It is a non-denominational Protestant church that gathers in small home groups. I grew up with all the traditions and rituals of a conservative Catholic faith community, so this is …show more content…

I have not attended a service, but I have been welcomed into their social events, which are fairly synonymous with their worship. Social events and worship flow seamlessly together. I have been impressed by the vibrancy of the community and their dedication to developing relationships – both with Christ and each other.

To gain more insight into this community, I asked Ashley questions on the general themes of community, church services and teachings, as well as her personal beliefs and relationship with Christ.

Through her answers I found that my Catholic tradition and her New Covenant Movement share some common threads. Both fall under the broad umbrella of Christianity and share the common belief as God the creator and Jesus his son who sacrificed himself for our salvation.

I asked her about her concept of sin, and it coincided perfectly with my definition as “separation from the Father”. We likewise share ideas on man’s purpose on earth as seeking to know and serve God with the ultimate hope of

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