
Religious Symbolism In The Film 'Blade Runner'

Decent Essays

Running from Reality

Blade Runner is a film directed by Ridley Scott which is bursting with symbolism. Throughout the movie it is able to demonstrate one fundamental question – what makes us human? Within the film, the aforementioned range of symbols are presented in a certain order which helps us reach our own conclusion for this question. One group in particular which play a momentous role in the film are those symbols which relate strongly to religion. Within the film there are symbols that are obvious to spot, while some stay hidden. The array of these symbols are able to be discussed in order to enter the theology which is based in the centre of Blade Runner. I firmly believe Blade Runner should be viewed by mature audiences due to the use of religious symbolism. This is identifiable through Characters and their actions within …show more content…

This is made known through certain characters such as Eldon Tyrell a man who embodies the “God” figure by constructing the replicants himself. The four core replicants are, Roy, Pris, Zora and Leon who are classified as fallen angels. These replicants were given a four-year lifespan, but also in the bible it stated; “God created man and gave him a four-score lifespan. These two pieces of evidence are ostensible. The four are a small portion of the replicants that have been created by Tyrell, who sooner or later are sent to a place known as the “Otherworld,” This is because they posed a strong threat towards certain humans on Earth. With their mysterious return to Earth they are similar to fallen angels which are able to be seen in biblical texts. This idea throughout Blade Runner is emphasized visually but also very obviously, especially in the scene where Zora is shot down after she tries to flee. She is shot once on each shoulder blade which is within the same proximity and position in which one would discover an angel’s

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