
Remarque 's The Trenches On The Front Lines From The German Perspective Essay

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The realism, grisly detail, and irony Remarque injects his story of WWII in the trenches on the front lines from the German perspective somehow remains poetic because of his lyrical writing style. Nineteenth century society was not ready for Remarque’s new language of war. Until this novel society held the illusion of war as both glorious and romantic. The idea of such a thing traces back to the ancient Spartans carrying forth to 19th century Europe (Traver 2002). Before Chapter One, Remarque introduces the idea of the ensuing pages are the work of a new language about war. “This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war” (Remarque Preface).
The Significance of the Epigraph
As the epigraph to the novel introduces Remarque’s intention of writing the novel he dispenses with the familiar elements of excitement and romance thus favoring a stark and entirely unsentimental read. His language of war becomes an advocate for soldiers who meet death face to face finding war is not an adventure. It is this message about death that Remarque succeeds in his poetic fashion expressing his ideas engaging the reader into the crux of his message about the evil of and written in his own language. Others wrote of the same war and soon the war to end all

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