
Remember The Glorious I Believe Speech By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Decent Essays

Remember the glorious I Believe speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave? How he stated what he believed? He believed in himself and others that together everyone can be united under the human race. He believed that it was possible to change the world, to end separation and discrimination. Everyone believes in something and Martin Luther King Jr. proves that beliefs can change the world. I have beliefs of my own that I am very opinionated about. Life goes on even through dark times and the world goes through a lotus effect. On contrary Life is fair, which is just simply not true.
The statement I believe the most is that life goes on. This statement resonates with me because I've had a lot of struggles with my life. I've moved several times, I've lost several friends and family members due to diseases, and tragic deaths. I've been bullied but that never stopped me from living. Our life doesn't just stop when things don't go as planned. Being born with hearing loss I understand how hard life gets and that it will be tough to get through, but it doesn't stop. Life goes on. This sentence resonates with me, but there were a lot that didn’t. …show more content…

If life were fair poverty wouldn't be a thing. People wouldn't be neglected, homeless, abused, lost, or scared. If life were fair my brothers wouldn't have to have financial aid to get through college. If life were fair, everyone could not only afford necessities, but luxuries as well. Instead of driving a van that's nearly falling apart, I would be driving a nice Camaro or whatever I wanted to drive. If life were fair we wouldn’t develop or be born with mental issues. If life were fair, everyone would respect others beliefs and support that belief. Beliefs are different, but can dwell on factual

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