
Renaissance Family Life

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Family and everyday life in the English Renaissance were much different than today. There was no processed, packaged foods like we have in modern times, and females were not allowed to go to school. Overall, the English Renaissance was a time of many inventions and progression towards where today’s society is, but there were many differences. The family life, diet, and education can all be contrasted with today’s times. (LW)
An English Renaissance family can be defined as a nuclear family, which is how some families are set up today. In the English Renaissance, the father, or “senior male”, is the absolute head of the household. The father makes the rules and is in charge of providing for his family. If the family lives on a farm, the father also teaches the sons how to run the farm. On the other hand, the mother is the caretaker of the house and of the children (LW). The mother served the father and children, her role was to clean and keep the health of the family. If someone was sick, she would produce medicine from herbs available to her. The marriage of the husband and wife was often arranged by the parents. Something much different than today is that there was no divorce, the women married solely expecting to increase their wealth and position of the family. (BC) …show more content…

Not only did they not understand the importance of water, they also did not drink water because the water was dirty and polluted. (EG)All family members, including the children, drank ale and other alcoholic beverages. The families diet’s depended on their social classes. The poor ate mainly stew, which contained vegetables, fish, and other foods that could be combined to make a soup. The soup was reheated and reused many days, which would be seen as unsanitary in today’s age. Richer families had more variety, including a very luxurious item: meat.

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