
Research Paper On Airbnb

Satisfactory Essays

Airbnb is a short-term accommodation leasing and renting company which turns residential houses into tourist marketplace. Critics believe that this company is running illegal hotels that are against the health and safety regulations. Therefore, last year Airbnb was banned in certain areas and cities.
In utilitarianism, we must act to bring the greatest happiness for everyone affected by our actions. Utilitarians view theory of justice as a part of morality and connect the law, economic distribution, and politics with their morality of justice concepts. Whereas nonutilitarian philosophers believe that we have a stronger obligation to respect people’s rights and avoid injuring them than we do to promote their happiness. (Shaw, 2016, p.60 & p.74).
Utilitarians often support social welfare because their …show more content…

no one is entitled to a holding except by (repeated) applications of principles 1 and 2. (Shaw, 2016, p.116). Means the distribution of goods, money, and the property is according to justice only if people acquired their holdings without violating the rights of anyone and becomes the owner of their possessions. If we view the Airbnb ban, according to this theory it is also considered injustice because people have the right to rent their own properties and they are not morally violating someone’s right by doing this. No one can take their property away from them so they have freedom to use their property without anyone interfering.
Rawls theory of justice is a modern alternative to utilitarianism. He believes that justice must be given on the ground of fairness and moral equality of persons. (Shaw, 2016, p.120). His theory comes under social-contract practice. People in the original position choose the basic principles of their society. They should imagine their selves behind the veil of ignorance, means have no information about themselves. He thinks any principle decided under these conditions is considered the principle of justice. (Shaw, 2016,

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