
Research Paper On Alzheimer's Disease

Decent Essays

Alzheimer’s disease affects individuals differently depending on how severe the onset of memory loss is occurring. Alzheimer’s disease has a wide spectrum of determining how severe the diagnoses are and which stage a person with the illness may be categorized in. Currently there is a total of seven stages that determine the severity of an AD diagnose. In order to be placed within a stage, certain events or signs must occur. The stages vary from forgetting scheduled doctor appointments, missing paying a bill on time or forgetting significant life events, such as having a child or getting married. During these stages, there is no given timeline and is completely dependent on the individual and their progress. If a person has family or friends …show more content…

Most elders experience cognitive decline along with the difficulty to complete simple everyday tasks. However, those who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (who had showed symptoms before sixty-five) experienced a faster rate of decline. Forgetting familiar words or where the location of everyday objects has been located in the house are common, yet undetectable events that start becoming more frequent over time. Most people that tend to help with those whom are diagnosed at this stage are family or friends that spend a reasonable amount of time with the person that can recognize this memory …show more content…

People have trouble remembering their own address and the current year. A scary event that is often recorded is forgetting a loved one that lives with them in the same household and mistakes them as a stranger. Some other indicators are forgetting information that is already stored in their long-term memory, for example something significant such as details about themselves and their family members. Difficulty remembering significant details still comes and goes, however; it is not permanently lost at stage

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