
Research Paper On Candy Thief

Satisfactory Essays

Once upon a time there was a flying dog, who flew like a plane Everything was great until the dog started knocking all the planes out of the sky This dog had like super human powers, who could fight off anything Soon enough the problem resulted in less and less airplanes in the sky flying and how were people supposed to get around Than people started going after the dog, to capture him and put him away in doggie jail After many months of trying to capture this flying dog, aspca finally got him, they took his wings off and he was a normal non flying dog Once upon a time there was a girl that was a real witch who would cast spells on anyone she didn’t like Everything was great until she killed all the doctors, the president and police …show more content…

This cell phone soon got hit by a car because it couldn’t see where it was walking Once upon a time there was a chocolate thief that was stealing all the candy Everything was great until it ate up all the candy in the candy store The owner had no more candy to give out and would soon lose business The candy store owner would soon go out of business with no product in his store How would the candy store man be able to live and make money with this candy thief around, so he decide to make a very clever trap the next time thief came in This trap worked and caught the thief but soon again came another candy thief Once upon a time there was a little old that like to cook children Everything was great until she started to invite the children to her house She would bribe the kids would bakes chocolate cookies The kids would come over eat some cookies and then she would chop them up and make kiddie soup One day a parent than got a hold of this old lady and she invited her in for some tea and soup and she noticed some pieces of kids hands in the soup The lady freaked out and dropped the soup and ran for her life, as soon as she got home she than called the child soup protective services and everything the old lady was sent

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