Car wrecks may not be something that someone wants to see, but it is definitely something that someone needs to brace themselves for since accidents do happen in this world, it’s just a matter of when and how gruesome the appalling scenery is. Nevertheless, you may learn something from the experience of witnessing such a scene. Two new cars, a Ford and a Chevrolet, lost control and rammed ungracefully into each other on the congested four-lane highway, diverging into the steeply inclined ditch in a messy, crumpled-up heap. The windshield of the Ford smashed into oblivion as its front end crashed into the back end of the Chevy, scattering glass shards on the instantaneously killed 28-year old driver, Henry Gilderman, who died as soon as his head crashed violently upon the …show more content…
In the Ford, the grisly charred remains of the driver leaned in a twisted, painful-looking formation against the dash. An ambulance arrived to check the McCormick family for any possible signs of shock or a concussion or other injury, and luckily found nothing of the sort in either family member. After being checked on by the ambulance, Sally, Toby, and Andrew huddled together and stared blank-faced for a moment at the awful sight. The horrible feelings that surfaced in the mother and children’s hearts were heart-wrenching woe and despair at the loss of their car and the death of the stranger, the car, which was their only form of transportation that they possessed, was forever no more. Angst also arose up within them at the fact they too, could have been hapless victims of the egregious inferno. The children became disquieted at the site of the ghastly and quite sudden event that was before their eyes. All of it was too much to bear for anyone to
The morning started out with a routine tour of duty, hauling 62 freight cars and a caboose. Little did the crew know that down the mainline another event was unfolding. A track gang and a foreman traveled by motorcar to pick up some switch ties. When the group arrived at Red Desert, they were approached by a sheep herder, who needed assistance getting his sheep across the tracks. The foreman assigned two men to flag each direction of track. He also ordered that switch of each side of the passing track to be opened. (That means that the switch is in a middle position, not thrown to either side, which will always lead to derailment.) This would cause the signals to indicate a stop signal. As one of the men opened up the siding switch, he saw 4005 roaring down the track, the workman tried to close the switch before the engine could pass… it was too late. The engineer applied the emergency brake, however, at the time 4005 was going about 50 MPH (80 KPH). The engine, tender, and first 18 cars turned on its’ side, The massive and near full tender smashed into the cab of 4005, destroying it completely. Although the engineer and brakeman were killed instantly, the front brakeman survived the wreck and gave an account as to what happened. “The switch, they threw it right in front of us, they didn’t give us a chance. I felt the engine rock. I don’t know how many times it rocked. The next thing I knew I felt the steam
On the may 4th of 2024, at around 10:22 pm last night, an incident occurred right in front of George’s Wilson automobile shop where his wife, Myrtle wilson was unexpectedly killed by a mysterious car speeding down the valley of ashes as myrtle wilson attempted to cross the street. During this incident, a bystander named michaelis witnessed what happened as he described the vehicle as a bright yellow in color. He followed by another description of how the driver did hesitated to stop but unfortunately it ended up speeding away as if
Larry Niven, an ASU grad student, was walking south on Mill Avenue about to cross on University Drive when “the two cars fired passed” him. He continues, “If I had stepped off the curb, I’d be dead now.” Witnessing the damage the Prius undertook, he said “it just blew apart.”
William continued walking until he arrived at the crime scene. In his mind he tried to picture what had happened, but it was just too much for him. His thoughts were interrupted when a man, "Driving a 2005 Chrysler 300 jumped a curb and collided with," (seven 1) a young woman who was crossing the road. Everything happened so quickly that William had no time to react. The vehicle continued driving even after it hit the woman. William saw the woman lying on the road and rushed to help her. The woman stood up with William's help. As she assured him she was okay and that everything was fine, she fainted in William's arms. William stood there confused, not knowing what to do with the beautiful stranger who had just fainted in his arms. The nearest hospital was located in the next village which was about twenty miles away. He decided that he would take her to his hotel room and take care of her
After the show had finally come to an end, Garrett snagged out his book about automobiles from the wooden shelf and sat back onto the cushioned couch. He clenched the book in his hand, grasping the thin material of the crisp page. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass came throughout the house and Garrett, startled, glanced up the stairs. It absorbed all of his attention, his eyes completely focused at the top of the staircase. He leaped up, out of the sofa and peered at the top of the dark trail that scattered up.
You mentioned about me being in a serious car wreck and you were right, I was in a car wreck, but that’s just the thing it wasn’t real serious. I Wouldn’t of thought that it was going to do so much damage in my life. You must know I hate telling this story, but here it goes, on the morning of July 26, 2006 starting from the URS office at the old Bon Marshay Mall, Randy driving and me riding shotgun, traveling on I10 Southbound on the outside lane before Bluebonnet overpass during construction zone conditions, next to use is a 18 wheelers with he’s backend lined up with our backdoor of our Ford Taurus company car, as we are coming to Bluebonnet overpass there is a slight curve to the left in the road, the 18 wheeler does not turn but keeps going
The number of the flood damage cars are increasing because of unpredictable natural disaster (typhoon) or even just due to crazy rains that cause some areas into flooding. If your vehicle is affected or near devastated then you have a serious problem. But, don't get panic and hysterical, instead follow these steps that help you evaluate the damage.
In the blink of an eye, they reached a curve and the driver swerved. They skidded off the cliff and plunged into the void.
I was going down the trail with my ex best friend and his uncle was infront and the friend was in the back it was getting cold and i wanted to get home so i was getting in a hurry. So i came around a corner and there it was on almost a straight away and a stump on the side of the trail.
This is what you should do if you get in a car crash. First, you should stop your vehicle. “You may be penalized severely for not remaining at the scene of a crash in which you are involved.” You can get your licence taken away and fined. Second, Get medical aid. you should avoid moving anyone who appears to be seriously injured unless such action is necessary to avoid further injury” you should help everyone that looks like you can help, but if someone looks like that they need more medical help you should not move them. Third, Clear traffic. “If the crash results in property damage only and there are no injuries...” You can move the vehicles to the side of the road, or any other suitable area. Fourth, you should call the police. “If the
No one expects to be in a car accident. But, on the off chance that it does happen you need to be prepared. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, the following steps will help you weather the storm without too much hassle.
You look to your right as a van rams into the driver’s side of your car. The pain came after the last breath moved through you. You feel your bones crunch in your body, and you scream, but the scream of the bending metal overlaps yours. The impact of the crash sends your car sliding into another vehicle. Another ear-piercing scream escapes from your mouth. The last thing you thought of before the numbness took over was your love, your reason of happiness.
Background and Audience Relevance: According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2015, about thirty-five hundred people were killed, and four hundred thousand were injured in car crashes.
Car accidents can happen to drivers anytime, anywhere. "According to the National Safety Council, which stated that more than 2.5 million collisions back every year, making it the most common type of car accidents, it is also known that the accident rear end as incidents of injury, because the nature of the collision leads often in whiplash injury the driver in the car in front and about 20% of people who participated in a rear collision injury symptoms of this kind. ", (NHTSA, Among the car accidents, the teenage group is the only age group who is number of deaths is increasing instead of decreasing. Also, all the people are exposed to risk and actually every one of them has got car
“Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day,” according to the Association For Safe International Road Travel. Road accidents are practically dangerous for everyone; they might cause serious injuries, severe damage and even be the reason why someone’s life is taken away from them. There can be several reasons why a car crashes. Distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving are the three main causes of car accidents.