
Research Paper On Car Wrecks

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Car wrecks may not be something that someone wants to see, but it is definitely something that someone needs to brace themselves for since accidents do happen in this world, it’s just a matter of when and how gruesome the appalling scenery is. Nevertheless, you may learn something from the experience of witnessing such a scene. Two new cars, a Ford and a Chevrolet, lost control and rammed ungracefully into each other on the congested four-lane highway, diverging into the steeply inclined ditch in a messy, crumpled-up heap. The windshield of the Ford smashed into oblivion as its front end crashed into the back end of the Chevy, scattering glass shards on the instantaneously killed 28-year old driver, Henry Gilderman, who died as soon as his head crashed violently upon the …show more content…

In the Ford, the grisly charred remains of the driver leaned in a twisted, painful-looking formation against the dash. An ambulance arrived to check the McCormick family for any possible signs of shock or a concussion or other injury, and luckily found nothing of the sort in either family member. After being checked on by the ambulance, Sally, Toby, and Andrew huddled together and stared blank-faced for a moment at the awful sight. The horrible feelings that surfaced in the mother and children’s hearts were heart-wrenching woe and despair at the loss of their car and the death of the stranger, the car, which was their only form of transportation that they possessed, was forever no more. Angst also arose up within them at the fact they too, could have been hapless victims of the egregious inferno. The children became disquieted at the site of the ghastly and quite sudden event that was before their eyes. All of it was too much to bear for anyone to

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