
Research Paper On Hate Literature

Good Essays

So, literature. To be honest, I really hate literature. Like right now, I hate that I’m writing an essay about the very thing that I hate. It makes no sense, but it’s probably going to be worth a lot of points, so I guess I should suck it up and do it. Anyways, I didn’t used to hate literature. In fact, I used to love it and enjoy doing it. However, that was when I was in 2nd grade so it’s been a while to say the least. In 2nd grade I was one of those kids who was like the bookworm, if people want to call it that. I didn’t really read varieties of books though, it was only just one series that I stretched out for the whole year. One might have guessed, but just in case they didn’t, I was one of those Harry Potter nerds. Who can blame me …show more content…

I didn’t think much about it then, and I didn’t even try to get it. But somehow by the end of it all my teacher liked mine the best and picked me for the winner. At first I wasn’t really enthuses about it. I even asked if I could give the Young Author’s pass to someone else, to which she rudely replied “Not a chance, it’s an honor.” “I picked you and now you’re going.” So I realized that there was no getting out of this and I was gonna have to go. I got up on a Saturday morning(I know a Saturday!) and started to head to the Conference. When I got there I saw a lot of people that I didn’t know and recognize, but that’s okay because I’m not shy at all and I can pretty much talk to anybody. As soon as I started to talk a little small talk to them, I realized that that was just about as much as I could do with them; small …show more content…

These kids were so different from me it wasn’t even funny. They all loved and were very passionate about reading and literature, although I should have expected that because I was, in fact, at a Young Author’s Conference. Anyways, after they got us all situated and put into our different “classes”, I was ready to start my boring day or so I thought. As soon as I got to my first “class”, I found a seat and sat down. After 5 minutes a short and chubby woman came in. She went to the front of the class and introduced herself. It must not have been a very good name because I didn’t even remember it 5 minutes into the class. She started class talking about some of her life stories and just little “fun facts” about herself. I guess that was fine at first, but then she started talking about writing and how “You have to have the perfect thought process”. That was more than enough to put my already tired self to sleep. When I woke up, everybody was looking at me rudely and I don’t blame them. I mean it was rude to fall asleep, but I can’t help that I didn’t like it, not to mention the fact that they had it early in the morning. I didn’t have to worry about it though, because I pretty much slept through the whole class and before I knew it the bell rang and it was time to go to the next

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