
Research Paper On ISIS

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Nicole McKay May 1st, 2016 Intelligence threat assessment

Terrorist groups are a growing problem around the world and there are several main terrorist groups that we often hear about, however, I feel like ISIS is the main terrorist group that people hear about around the world more than others. ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or sometimes the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant. ISIS is a terrorist group that has ben around for many years. Over time they have gone from an extreme terrorist group, to an even more extreme group with regards to leadership. We hear a lot about ISIS in the news and all of the violence and devastation they cause, not only in Iraq and Syria, but also around the world. …show more content…

(Hosken, 2015) ISIS is now all over the world. ISIS has become “the most deadly terrorist organization operating today.”(Journal, 2015) They now not only have members in Iraq and Syria where they originated, but members are being recruited all over the world. The Islamic State uses modern means to communicate because they use social media to post videos and recruit members. There have been people even from the United States who have gone to Syria or have tried to go to Syria to join the terrorist organization. The most recent case was when a man was arrested who was trying to leave from Richmond airport to travel to Syria, and a man who had dropped him off was also arrested. (Johnson, 2016) Now ISIS members are located close to home, which is the scary …show more content…

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Hosken, A. (2015). Empire of fear: Inside the Islamic State. London: OneWorld.
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