McCrea suggest that juveniles should not be tried as adults, however Estudillo asserts that juveniles should be tried as adults. Violent crimes are being committed by minors and nothing is being done about it. The juvenile system was created to handle petty crimes, however the laws of the past cannot handle today's violent crimes. The rehab centers that are supposed to be correcting behaviors of minors are staffed with inexperienced counselors, with inexperienced counselors how are we supposed to trust the juvenile system? Not only are the counselors inexperienced, but the justice system isn’t acknowledging juvenile crimes until it has happened four or five times. One time is enough let alone more than once. The children of Dartmouth parents
In Contrast to Bryan Stevenson’s “Just Mercy” stories of juveniles being tried as adults, Jason Zeidenberg in the article “The Risks Juveniles Face When They Are Incarcerated with Adults” strongly emphasizes the dangers and consequences that juveniles face when they are tried as adults. Zeidenberg states the consequences of juveniles being raped, assaulted, committing suicide and the effects of being victimized. Children who are housed in the same facility as Adults is not a good idea nor a good mix, according to Zeidenberg a “15-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in Ohio by a deputy after she was placed in an adult jail for a minor in
Most people are against juveniles getting tried as adult in adult court because they might say “their young and doesn’t mean any harm” or “a minor doesn’t belong in a jail full of adult criminals.” But I say if they can commit a crime they can do the time. Also, most juveniles tried as adults or placed in adult facilities jails or prison, are denied education and most likely won’t finish school but if they were free it would most likely be the same because they either wouldn’t attend school or when they do go to school they cause problems and have a list of referrals’ or even kicked out of school or attends an alternative
BANG!!!! The sound of the gun shot being fired by James, a sixteen year old thug. THUNK! The sound of the body of an elderly man hitting the ground. James has just shot and killed the neighborhood grocery store owner for a few hundred dollars and a twelve pack. James was quickly arrested and the question is should he be convicted as a juvenile or as an adult? Juveniles should be convicted as adults for violent crimes because they are old enough to know what they are doing and if they commit a crime they should be convicted for it.
Joshua Smetzer Mrs. Charlton English 1314.2 5 December 2017 Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults? Young people are more intelligent and have greater access to technology, and with the increase in knowledge and technology you can't take anyone, even the young for granted. If a person is aware of what they are doing and taught the difference between right and wrong by a family member or society they should be punished for their actions. Now a teenager would typically not be considered insane, but if he is he should be institutionalized just like an adult that is dangerous to society.
Mistakes or murders? Children or criminals? Answering these questions requires much deliberation. Trying juveniles in adult court cases isn't orthodox. But such incidents are increasing in America. In 2014 two Wisconsin girls stabbed their classmate 19 times. The state found the twelve-year-olds guilty without considering psychological imbalances (Hanna, Jason). Natural instinct urges one to comply with the decision. However, certain circumstances change perspectives, but only when presented. Trying minors as adults isn't sensible and overlooks many conflicts. Juveniles aren't mentally developed, risk harm in jail, and don't receive adult rights.
“The dead won’t bother you, it’s the living you have to worry about” By John Wayne Gacy. This quote means that it is hard to trust someone you thought you could trust. Kids/Teens are hard to trust sometimes. Sometimes kids/teens are good and trustable, others not so much. A high school teacher states “it is hard to understand how hard it is to accept the reality that a 16 or 17 year old is capable of forming such requisite criminal intent. Juveniles should be convicted as adults for violent crimes because if that adolescent felt like an adult then they should have the same consequences as adults.
Every day, Juveniles are being arrested, and most of them are tried as adults. What makes Juveniles different from adults? Well, Juveniles are younger, which means they are immature, easily influenced, and vulnerable. Many questions are asked about whether Juveniles should be treated as adults when it comes to breaking the law. I believe Juveniles should not be treated as an adult due to not having the same characteristics as adults, which includes a fully-developed brain.
Today, the court system in this country is divided into two groups when comparing juveniles and adults. One is the Adult Criminal Justice System, and the other is the Juvenile Justice System. The terminology can be very different between the two systems. For instance; if an adult is arrested, they will be subject to a bail hearing. If a juvenile is arrested they must go through a detention hearing. Adults have trials which can be decided by a judge or jury. Juveniles go through a fact finding hearing and don’t receive verdicts because they are adjudicated. “They are not found guilty, but delinquent or involved” (Komiscruk). Another difference between the two is that juvenile court rooms are usually closed to the public, which
Finally, I believe that by being rehabilitated the juvenile will have a better chance at life because eventually they will be back in society.
Crimes are most associated with adults. Murder is especially most associated with adults. When a teenager commits such a crime such as murder they must be tried, and they should not be treated with leniency and coddling, but with the full force of the law as an adult.
Juveniles can be tried as adults for crimes ranging from kidnapping, murder, rape, arson, robbery, torture, assault, and more. Some of the cases that are sent to adult court are petty crimes, such as: underage drinking, possession of a controlled substance, and other minor crimes. The question is whether they should be tried as adults. These are all adult actions, on one hand, and may lead a person to wonder what brought a child to commit these crimes. One might further inspect that if a child or teenager is engaged in so-called “adult” activities, what kind of activities might a child choose to be involved in adulthood? What is the child’s background? Can you blame the child of a heroin addict for having access to drugs at a young age? Can you blame the child of a murderer for acting out? Yes, everyone has a choice even a child.
.In Cook County, Ill., the first juvenile court iwas founded on the idea that juvenile offenders need protection and treatment, not just punishment. The idea came from the British justice system’s (the State of parent), it says that the state duty is protecting our children under its care. This was to say that once juveniles are “adjudicated delinquent” in a juvenile court that they were found guilty being found guilty. they cannot be tried for the same crime in an adult court. To do so, would violate the Fifth Amendment protect them from double jeopardy. This is one way that we can protect our teens. The U.S. Needs to look at other countries and see how they are dealing with their juveniles . They should
Today, we live in a society faced with many problems, including crime and the fear that it creates. In the modern era, juveniles have become a part of society to be feared, not rehabilitated. The basis of the early juvenile justice system was to rehabilitate and create safe havens for wayward youth. This is not the current philosophy, although the U.S. is one of the few remaining countries to execute juveniles. Presently, our nation is under a presidential administration that strongly advocates the death penalty, including the execution of juveniles. The media and supporters of capital punishment warn of the "superpredator," the juvenile with no fear, remorse, or conscience. Opponents of this view encourage
A deep look into juveniles in adult prisons. Touch bases on several smaller issues that contribute to juveniles being in and effects of adult prisons. The United States Bureau of Prisons handles two hundred and thirty-nine juveniles and their average age is seventeen. Execution of juveniles, The United States is one of only six countries to execute juveniles. There are sixty-eight juveniles sitting on death row for crimes committed as juveniles. Forty-three of those inmates are minorities. People, who are too young to vote, drink alcohol, or drive are held to the same standard of responsibility as adults. In prisons, they argue that the juveniles become targets of older, more hardened criminals. Brian
Everyday a vast number of brutal crimes occur somewhere in America. Teens as young as thirteen commit murder, rape, and burglary to an extent. What can be done about it? The best answer I can think of is to treat juveniles like adults. They have just as much responsibility and knowledge of their actions just as adults do, so they deserve the same punishment if they commit the same crime. Believe it or not, teens commit the same level of crimes that adults commit. Crimes will get even worse in the future if nothing is strictly done about the unnecessary violent actions. An idea to prevent the crimes from continuing is to punish juveniles and adults equally. Juvenile punishments do not provide the harsh consequences juveniles deserve. There