
Research Paper On Meningitis

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Many people don’t know this but there's more than one type of meningitis. There's actually 5; bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal and non-infectious and each of these are classified by the cause of the disease. Even though they are different types of meningitis, all 5 of these types are life threatening and as most people know, what this disease is, is inflammation of the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Although meningitis is mostly caused by a bacteria or a virus, it can also be caused by an injury,illness and medications. It is said that the symptoms for each type of meningitis are similar, but there is differences for each. The severity and treatments of the disease basically lets doctors know what medication …show more content…

especially during late spring to fall when these viruses are spread most often, usually, only a small number of people who get infected with enteroviruses will develop meningitis. Besides non-polio enteroviruses, other viruses that can cause meningitis are; mumps virus, herpes virus, measles virus, influenzae virus, West Nile virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Anybody at any age can contract viral meningitis, although some people have a higher risk such as children under 5 years and people with weakened immune system. Viral meningitis is spread if you have close contact with a person who is infected with the disease you may become infected with the virus that made the person sick. Usually only a small number of people who get infected with the different viruses that cause meningitis will actually develop viral meningitis .
This type of meningitis has different symptoms for different age groups. In babies the symptoms are; fever, irritability, poor eating, sleepiness or have trouble waking up from sleep and lethargy. For adults, the symptoms are; fever, headaches, stiff neck, sensitivity to bright light, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and lethargy.
Initial symptoms of viral meningitis are very similar to those for bacterial meningitis. Although the symptoms are similar, bacterial meningitis is more severe and causes severe

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