
Research Paper On My Hero That Saved My Life

Decent Essays

My Hero That Saved My Life! Has anyone been your hero? I know I have several heroes. On one beautiful Saturday morning, I woke up, and had a serious pain in my side. I told my mom, and she said you’ll be okay, just give it a bit. As the time went on, the pain grew more and more intensely. I told my mom that I need to go to the doctor, so she took me. On the way there we had to stop and pick up my mamma. At the doctor’s office, my doctor, Dr. Smith said ‘’I think it’s her appendicitis’’. The doctor transferred me to the hospital. At the hospital, they ran bunches of test on me. They said that I needed my appendix taken out. I was miserable, but my mom was there for by my side through all of this. All the nurses started to prep me for

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