
Research Paper On My Ukulele

Satisfactory Essays

The best Christmas present that I have ever received is my ukulele that I got from my parents. My ukulele is one of the most unexpected presents that I have ever received. I think that a surprise gift is the best because I don’t know what I will get. So, when my parents gave me the wrapped box for my ukulele, I had no clue what was inside, and it sparked my interest in the unknown gift even more. After I unwrapped the gift, I was shocked to find a new ukulele nestled inside the box. If I had known what to expect, the ukulele would not have been as meaningful. The ukulele is one of the best presents because it gives me so much joy to play. At first I had no clue how to play, but as time passed I soon became better. Once I knew how to play,

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