
Research Paper On One Size Fits All

Satisfactory Essays

One Size Fits All
Students in a classroom range from English language learners, special needs, low achieving, average achieving, and high achieving students. No two learners learn the same way in the classroom, so why do teachers often adopt a “one size fits all” instructional approach at the knowing of this facet. A “one-size fits all” instructional approach is teaching to the “average” student in the class without adapting the curriculum for all levels of learning in the classroom. The average student is defined as a student who can do the work independently, but moderately struggles to meet the standards set forth in the classroom. The realization students do not learn the same can enhance the knowledge the teacher possesses to make …show more content…

Tomlinson (2014) explains, we know that students learn better if tasks are a close match for their skills and understanding of a topic (readiness), if tasks ignite curiosity or passion in a student (interest), and if students have the freedom to work in a way that is more efficient or that makes learning more accessible for them (learning profile). Students in the class represent diverse languages and cultures from around the world. Knowing the students background including their language, culture, values, family, and home environment will allow the teacher to have a better understanding of the where the student is coming from, and embrace the diversity in the classroom. An Educator embracing the diversity in the classroom walks into the classroom everyday knowing his or her students different varying backgrounds, readiness, interests, and learning profiles brings forth a knowledge contributing to an enhancement of student instructional content.
Nationwide 96% of students with disabilities will spend at least part of their school day in general education environments (Goddard). Inclusion secures opportunities for students with disabilities to learn alongside their non-disabled peers in general education classrooms. Inclusive classrooms realize that no two students are alike;

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