
Research Paper On Persepolis

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Edmond Wang Cultural Foundation III Professor Shani Mott March 29th 2016 Perspective within Iran When we think about our lives, we are often heavily influenced by our negative emotions. Those negative emotions often reinforce our wrong perspective of others, and make it difficult for us to understand them. When we take freedom for granted, we often fail to realize that comes at an expensive price for others that desires. We despise any actions taken against freedom, but we fail to understand why others perform such actions. If we were to characterize a government or regime, for instance Iran as oppressive, we would start to think that the ways of life under the oppressive rules are a product from the oppression. Then we will think that the …show more content…

Her family’s background was important as being modern and avant-garde, they were not subject to fundamentalism. Satrapi attended a French non-religious school before 1980, and the school promoted gender equality as boys and girls were allowed to play with each other. The top two panels on page four showed a mix of genders, showing the readers that there are many more “modern and avant-garde” families in Iran, and Iran was very westernized. The kids shown on page 4 are much happier than they are on page 1, which the former had more freedom in choosing their clothing while the latter all the girls were forced to wear the veil. The veil became obligatory at schools yet the authorities failed to explain its connection to the religion. Leaving confusion among the girls, the veil was simply disrespected. In the last panel of page 3, the veils were used by kids for fun, and a chaotic environment ensued. Satrapi in this panel also remarked how the veil was being too hot, which was repeatedly mentioned over and over again later on, indicating that the veil itself is not pleasurable to wear. On page 75, Satrapi drew the fundamentalist woman and man in comparison with the modern woman and the progressive man. The difference between the fundamentalist woman and the modern woman is distinctive: a fundamentalist woman is covered head to toe in black by a chador and having her hair covered by a veil, while the modern woman was basically everything else. It’s much easier for a person to identify a Muslim woman on the street if she is wearing a veil or chador than it is to identify a Muslim man. This shaped a view that Muslim women are fundamentalists through

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