
Research Paper On Social Media Narcissism

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Is Social Media Encouraging Narcissism? With the advent of the 21st century has emerged a new way of relating and communicating with others; not just communicating with those in our immediate community, but with those in the global community. Internet access is now available to a vast amount of people, and a popular way of communicating over the internet is through the use of social networking websites and applications, known as “social media”. The benefits of the internet and social media are overwhelming. The ability to access a seemingly infinite wealth of information is a great equalizer; information previously available to a select few is now available to anyone with an internet connection and web-browsing device. What is even more exciting …show more content…

Narcissism can be defined as an exceptionally high regard for the self and overconfidence in one's abilities. Narcissists do not value other individuals or possess empathy towards them. They may be extraverted and charismatic, drawing others to their personality. However, they are not interested in reciprocating the admiration of their followers and use that admiration to bolster their own image and status. Though Narcissists may exude self-confidence, their narcissism may be a defense to compensate for feelings of weakness, inadequacy or self-doubt (Firestone). Narcissists may appear to engage in relationships, but they manipulate them as a way to gain popularity and promoted their status (Buffardi & Campbell 1304). On the other hand, while those with high self esteem have confidence in their own abilities, they also care for the well-being of others, appreciating their value and recognizing their contributions. What differentiates narcissists from those with high self-esteem, is their disregard for developing and maintaining caring relationships with others (Twenge & Campbell 19). Narcissism is considered a psychological trait. Professional psychologists have even developed tests to measure and define narcissistic behavior (Twenge & Campbell 20). This is important to remember to avoid confusing those with a healthy perception of themselves with true …show more content…

Facebook users establish profiles of themselves presenting, their likes, dislikes, relationship status, political affiliation, a profile picture and various other features. They have the ability to thoughts and opinions, or share what activity they are currently engaged in. Users also have the ability to share comments on their friends profile pages or share articles, photos, video and other media. The experience of using Facebook is enjoyable and it is a great way to keep in touch with family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. The problem is with the overuse of Facebook. Access to social media websites, specifically Facebook has encouraged and increased narcissistic behavior. The purpose of social media is to connect users with each other by sharing experiences, but the overuse of this media causes users to focus on themselves excessively, nurturing narcissistic traits. People tend to share the more attractive photos of themselves, or share the more interesting parts of their lives. This can give an impression that they live a very different life than they do in reality. After a short time, it may be easy to tell what types of posts gain the most likes, or inspire the most conversation. People are inclined to showcase their best qualities, and may unconsciously desire to make other users envious of their self-presentation and

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