Vlad was the Prince of the Wallachian kingdom (also referred as the Voivode of Wallachia, which means the same) in three different occasions which nowadays doesn’t exist, but it was located at the south of the actual Romania. He achieved the throne after his father was killed. Some quotations of the Dracula book that I consider as references to the fact that Vlad the Impaler was a prince and a member of the high class, are the next ones: “It is late, and my people are not available” (page 24).
This quotation may not be a clear one, but I think it is and I am going to explained it: a prince is the ruler of a kingdom, his kingdom, and the people who lived in his kingdom belongs to him. This is the case of Vlad the Impaler. So, when in this sentence
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This theory of mine came to my mind because I thought that it was a similar practise and a coincidence between the two characters because in both, it was necessary the use of a steak to kill someone.
However, I have found some web pages that explain the same thought I once had in your class, so I am going to let the bibliographic reference of one of them at the end of the essay to let you know.
The last think I want to talk about in this essay is about the movie “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” from the director Francis Ford Coppola. At the beginning of this movie, it is explained how the character of Dracula became a vampire and it is said that he was a warrior called Draculea, from the Order of the Dragon, who fought to protect the Christian world. What’s more, in the scene where Dracula welcomes Jonathan Harker into his castle, there is a conversation about a picture hanging in a wall. Harker asks the Count who is the man on the picture and he tells him that it is an ancestor of him from the order of the Dragon.
This reference to Vlad the Impaler it is not clear in Bram Stoker’s book and what’s more, the story of how Dracula became a vampire it is an invention of the movie
There have been countless tyrants and iron-fisted rulers throughout history. Nero, Hitler, Stalin, Ivan, Henry, and Elizabeth were just a few tyrants throughout history who have had an insatiable bloodlust. However, none of them were as terrible and as horrific as Dracula himself, Vlad the Impaler. He had slaughtered thousands of innocent people, as well as impaled hundreds of those of whom he saw unfit for his kingdom. Thieves, merchants, and peasants alike were all killed, no matter how small of a crime they had committed.
He was a ruler of Wallachia and he ruled with an iron fist. His real name was Vlad Tepes, but in English was Vlad the Impaler because of the brutal way he tortured his enemies. Vlad Tepes was a ruler, an architect, and he got his name by torturing people. Vlad Tepes ruled differently from other kings. Vlad had strict rules for his country. “Vlad the Impaler ruler Walachia and was very strict.” (Linke 5) He did sick things to the people of Walachia. “If his people were to break his rules, they would soon regret it.” (Pallardy 3) He had a lot of power. “At any time, he could snap and that could be bad for other people.” (Anderson 4) That’s how Vlad Tepes ruled Wallachia. Vlad Tepes was also a very good architect.
Running against the Muslim-ottoman Empire, He campaigned against his younger brother, and nobles who had killed his father and brother. Although it appeared he was victorious at one point, it was a failure and was not for eight years until he finally succeeded. His reign was technically shorter than seven years and was an off and on due to his unparalleled determination. During this time, everything that Vlad was known for happened; every violent action, and every victim of his demise fell during this era. By impaling his enemies on stakes and leaving them to die, he earned his name. He had a rather brutal process; rounding off the blade so it damaged no internal organs therefore prolonging death as the victims roasted in
Imagine being impaled, a rod going straight thru you. For Vlads victims this was reality. Why did he impale people? What drove him to kill so many people? What did he do to strike fear into so many people's eyes,even the bravest warriors.
Was Dracula based on a real living human? Is Bram Stoker’s legendary story based on a real person? Yes, it is entirely possible that Dracula is based on the man known as Vlad III, ruler of Wallachia.
Vlad Dracula was born in the winter of 1431 in Sighisoura,Transylvania. Vlad’s father who is Vlad II came from a family of princes from the state of Wallacia. In the same year Vlad III was born, his father traveled to Nuremberg, Germany and became a member of the Order of the Dragon. The Order of the Dragon was select group of European royalty appointed by the head of the Holy Roman Empire, Emperor Sigismund ,who held power over most of Western Europe. These men were dedicated to crusading against the Ottoman Turks, whose faith was Islam, and defending the Empire in the name of the Cross . Sigismund made Vlad II head of the Order and promised that he would be Prince of Wallacia when he returned . After this day, Vlad II became known as
(Vlad III the Impaler - New World Encyclopedia) This need for control over people seems to be an ideology put into Vlad’s mind from adolescence. The identity of Vlad’s mother is uncertain, however, many people suspect she too was a noble. The fact her identity is unknown but her status is remembered shows just how important power was to Vlad’s father. It’s suspected he was with her solely for her status.
‘All along, since his coming, been trying his power, slowly but surely; the big child brain of his is working” Bram Stoker also made him the most powerful character in the novel but that does not mean did not have its weaknesses but yet he still gets more powerful as he kills. "When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there." (Chapter 2, pg.28) The purpose of Dracula is to create fear in the reader and to make the novel a bit more intense to the reader. But yet all information Bram Stoker gives us we still do not know everything about Dracula. Yes, we know he is evil but Dracula still is a very mysterious character in the novel. All we know about Dracula is that he is evil and his purpose is to take over the world as he has done for many years and taken the blood of many brave races in his past. "in [his] veins flows the blood of many brave races" (p. 28). Stoker takes a significant of blood and twist the meaning into his own meaning of blood. “The blood is the life!” (171:12)
In the novel Dracula, Dracula is supposed to be a fictional character. A character who came out of a person’s dream or a nightmare. Dracula is a character who is technically dead and is most powerful once the sun has set. He lives only by drinking the blood of humans. In addition, he also kills them and transforms them into a vampire. He is on a mission to conquer England by making people into vampires. In the film version of Dracula, Dracula says to Mina “I have crossed oceans of time to find you” (Coppola). In the movie, Dracula becomes a vampire after his wife commits suicide by jumping into a river. As a result he was heartbroken. He nails his sword on the holy cross and asks God to live only on blood. After centuries he comes back to life after he is dead to find his
Vlad the Impaler, a.k.a. Vlad III, Dracula, Drakulya, or Tepes, was born in late 1431, in the citadel of Sighisoara, Transylvania, the son of Vlad II or Dracul, a military governor, appointed by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Vlad Dracul was also a knight in the Order of the Dragon, a secret fraternity created in 1387 by the Emperor, sworn to uphold Christianity and defend the empire against the Islamic Turks. Transylvania, along with Moldavia, and Wallachia, are now joined together as Romania. The name Dracul can be interpreted in two ways, the first translation from Romanian would be "Dragon", but it sometimes also means "Devil". Vlad was not called Tepes, which means ""spike" in Romanian, until after
Vlad the hero was known for his military strength and his ruthless fighting skills. The heroic prince is transformed into the brutal impaler. Legends of Vlad, tell us that he impaled his enemies and brought all of the noblemen who had been a part of his father’s murder to justice by inviting them to a banquet and having them all impaled (Lallanilla, 2014).Some of the historians write that Vlad was and is still considered a hero who saved them from the brutal Turks. Of course, no one really knows if the stories are completely true or fabricated (Lallanilla, 2014). According to Beresford (2008), various legends’ do show Vlad as a fierce ruler but nothing else but often myths portrayed him in a different light, depending on who was telling the
Tepes and his brother were sent to the Turkish Sultan as ‘official’ hostages a year later, for education in change for loyalty to the Sultan. During a war with Hungary in 1447, Vlad II Dracul (Dracula’s father) and Tepes’s eldest brother were killed by Hungarian assassins. Wallachia was ruled by Hungary, and the Turks released and gave Tepes an army in order to capture Wallachia. He held the throne for two months before being forced to run away. He then abandoned Turkish ties and appealed to Hungary to become Prince of Wallachia. His following rule, though bloody, brought Romania together like never before. He was made famous by his rule as well since his name “Vlad the Impaler” came during this rule. He got this name from his use of torture as punishment; his ‘favorite’ act being using a large wooden stake to impale criminals from the groin to the mouth. Soon war began again with Turkey and Hungary, and he was removed and regained the throne a third time before he was killed in a war with the Turks, his head sent to the sultan as proof of his death.
According to Dictonary.com a vampire can be described as, “A preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, which is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.” Dracula fits into that definition of a vampire perfectly, because vampires are essentially dead people that came back to life to drink other people’s blood, and that is exactly what Dracula does in the story. He goes around capturing any victim that he could possibly get, Jonathan would be a prime example, although he did not completely get him. Furthermore, Dracula makes people think that vampires have to be exactly the same and act the same way. It sets the way for modern day television and movies. Although Stoker didn’t create the concept of
Annie Shepherd wrote an essay named, “The Evolution of the Vampire in Fiction and Popular Culture” in which she quoted a sentence about Vlad III from Treptow saying, “Tales of the historical prince have skewed him as a bloody tyrant who enjoyed having breakfast among the bodies of his impaled victims, when, in fact, he was a stern but just leader.” (4) By being a cruel leader, people were frightened of
The late nineteenth century Irish novelist, Bram Stoker is most famous for creating Dracula, one of the most popular and well-known vampire stories ever written. Dracula is a gothic, “horror novel about a vampire named Count Dracula who is looking to move from his native country of Transylvania to England” (Shmoop Editorial Team). Unbeknownst of Dracula’s plans, Jonathan Harker, a young English lawyer, traveled to Castle Dracula to help the count with his plans and talk to him about all his options. At first Jonathan was surprised by the Count’s knowledge, politeness, and overall hospitality. However, the longer Jonathan remained in the castle the more uneasy and suspicious he became as he began to realize just how strange and different