
Research Paper On Vlad The Impaler

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Vlad was the Prince of the Wallachian kingdom (also referred as the Voivode of Wallachia, which means the same) in three different occasions which nowadays doesn’t exist, but it was located at the south of the actual Romania. He achieved the throne after his father was killed. Some quotations of the Dracula book that I consider as references to the fact that Vlad the Impaler was a prince and a member of the high class, are the next ones: “It is late, and my people are not available” (page 24).
This quotation may not be a clear one, but I think it is and I am going to explained it: a prince is the ruler of a kingdom, his kingdom, and the people who lived in his kingdom belongs to him. This is the case of Vlad the Impaler. So, when in this sentence …show more content…

This theory of mine came to my mind because I thought that it was a similar practise and a coincidence between the two characters because in both, it was necessary the use of a steak to kill someone.
However, I have found some web pages that explain the same thought I once had in your class, so I am going to let the bibliographic reference of one of them at the end of the essay to let you know.
The last think I want to talk about in this essay is about the movie “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” from the director Francis Ford Coppola. At the beginning of this movie, it is explained how the character of Dracula became a vampire and it is said that he was a warrior called Draculea, from the Order of the Dragon, who fought to protect the Christian world. What’s more, in the scene where Dracula welcomes Jonathan Harker into his castle, there is a conversation about a picture hanging in a wall. Harker asks the Count who is the man on the picture and he tells him that it is an ancestor of him from the order of the Dragon.
This reference to Vlad the Impaler it is not clear in Bram Stoker’s book and what’s more, the story of how Dracula became a vampire it is an invention of the movie

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