
Vlad III Dracule Vlad The Impaler

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Vlad III Draculea, also known as Vlad the Impaler was born in 1431 in modern day Romania, but back then known as Transylvania. He was born into a royal family under Prince Dracul II his fathers name means “devil” or “dragon”. Vlad III’s name was given to him by his father in honor of his own name, his father named him “Draculea”, which means “Son of the devil”. His father had been on earlier crusades with The Order of the Dragon, which was created by the Emperor Sigismund. The Order was created to defend the lands of Transylvania from potential Ottoman invaders and other threats. But in an attempt to balance the rival powers in the country, Vlad II decided to join the Ottoman invaders in the quest to invade Transylvania, Vlad II quickly became a rival of Emperor Sigismund and was kicked out of the Order. But the ottomans grew …show more content…

And he turned to the solution of instilling fear and bloody violence to both keep his rivals out of his land and keep the residents of his kingdom from rebelling. He started to order the impaling of his invading enemies and rebels within his country, anyone who opposed him was ordered to have a wooden stake drove up through their rectum and exiting their mouth, inflicting a intense amount of pain and a very slow death. Some victims would hang on the stake for hours and in some cases days, he kept the victims on the stake long after they were dead to scare enemies from invading and to set examples for any potential opposers. Even though seen as a brutal ruler, Vlad III was seen as a hero by some in his country, his rule benefited the peasants as he handled his economy and foreign affairs in a balanced manor. Nevertheless, Vlad III was booted from the throne in 1462 by boyars trying to save their rights, as he had been executing a great number of them

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