
Research Paper On World Hunger

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The Oxford Dictionary defines 'hunger' as 'a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat'1. World hunger, however, takes this definition and brings it to a global scale. Internationally, there is an estimated 850 million people that don't have enough food to lead a healthy lifestyle. While this number has gone down by 100 million in the last decade2, it is still the worlds leading health risk and the poor nutrition that comes with it is still the cause of death for nearly 3.1 million children under the age of 5 each year3. Thankfully, there are organisations that work to end world hunger. However, this leads me to my focus question
Is there enough support and awareness to stop world hunger and prevent the undernourishment of children?
My aim was to find out whether organisations that work towards ending world hunger and the undernourishment of children have enough support and awareness to reach their goals. My primary resource is a survey that was conducted in my community. My secondary resource include the World Vision official website, the United Nations World Food Program website, and several other websites.
I handed out 20 surveys to people in my community, including neighbours, family, friends and shop keepers. In all I had made 20 …show more content…

Unfortunately, that is not the only disturbing fact. It was found that global hunger has a sexist side to as if women had the same access to resources as men did, the number of people affected by hunger would drop by 150 million4.To make matters worse, women provide up to 70% of agriculture production but make up to 60% of people affected by global hunger5. This huge divide has sparked the development of programs such as the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index6 which is being lead by the International Food Policy Research Institute

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