I’ve been doing a lot of research lately and have come up with so much information! We can fight this! Titus, we can resist the Feed. Children have been fighting against their oppressive governments for years and making a difference. I am aware that writing this letter is dangerous, but I am not risking any more than the “218 million children around the world who work as child labourers or the estimated 300,000 boys and girls who are exploited by armies during times of conflict, and forced to act as soldiers, sex slaves and servants” (FreeTheChildren.com). As Franklin said, “Society constructs the children it needs. Instead of policies to protect children in the community, the government and media have preferred to promote polices to …show more content…
There is no difference. “The Peace Kids’ advertised in the most modest of ways possible, they spread the message by word of mouth, putting up posters and the like” (Mulder 54). We have it easier. We can use the Feed against itself! With one thought we can send a mass M-Chat message and spread the word. One mass message and then ignore the Feed all together instigating the largest boy-cot in history.
We have constitutional rights as citizens of America and we have rights as Children on this planet. However, Feednet and our government has hindered our freedom. Franklin in his work, The Handbook of Children’s Rights states:
Ideologically, children have become the focus of a moral panic, in which the media have played a crucial role. Media presentations of children have metamorphosed them from the innocent ‘sugar and spice’ angels, reminiscent of the iconography of “Bubbles” in the Pears’ soap advertisement, into inherently evil demons who, typifying Britain’s declining moral standards, seem incapable of distinguishing right from wrong (4-5).
Franklin may have been targeting Britain specifically, but the statement applies in America as well. We have legal and moral rights, Titus, however:
The distinction between legal and moral rights is easy to establish. A legal right is an entitlement which
Inspired by the theory of natural rights, stated by John Locke, Thomas Jefferson wrote A Summary View of the Rights of British America in 1774, where he declared that the Americans were “a free people claiming their rights, as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.” What Jefferson says here, is that Americans should not submit to the laws of the British and the rights that they provide them, but instead be an independent people (Foner, 150 and
Journalists report sensationally that children are targeted by strangers or pedophiles everywhere, children are involved in crimes, and children pull the trigger at themselves to end their lives. Parents, of course, uneasiness rush to prepare for protection tools for their children. Glassner, however, analyzes that these tragedies have a background that is the prime cause of these tragedies. Journalists neglect the real fears of children - poverty, family abuse, lack of education, housing, food and security in the news. The news of children’s crimes are exaggerated and lead us the wrong anxiety because actual risks, such as guns, are
In “The Kids Are Not All Right ,” author Joel Bakan argues that it is necessary to believe that childhood itself is now in a crisis. He states that it is necessary to reignite the guiding of ethos and practices of the century of the child. Bakan claims that children are endangered due to the exposure to violent media, potentially harmful psychotropic drugs, and increasing quantities of toxic channels. The author believes that we should work together as citizens to provide a safe community, through democratic channels and institutions, to bring change.
In the Charles Franklin’s non fiction article entitled “Is it Right to Break Light Law,” he states that breaking the law can be right and wrong, but the fact that the person(s) stood for what they believed in. The author supports his claim by giving the the example of a teachers union that went to strike but in the state it is illegal for employees to strike. The author next proceeds to state that there is lawful instruments to legally “fight” the law. Finally, the author states that breaking the law is breaking the law. Breaking the law is wrong and the only thing that is right is a moral right against the law. Franklin's purpose is to show that breaking the law wrong in order to show that morality overthrows any law.
Recently, two million children have died over the past ten years due to becoming a child soldier. A huge deplorable development that has extended recently is the increase of child soldiers. Children are constantly being used as soldiers for various reasons. In some countries, there are more child soldiers than they are adults because children are more compliant. Children have been exploited as soldiers because they are being recruited to do a violent action, it is difficult for them to, later on, assimilate back to their lives, and child soldiers are regularly used in developing countries.
Children have been described as our future, our greatest resource, and our hope for a better tomorrow. For many Americans, though, children invoke fear. They represent violence, a segment of society lacking in self-control and devoid of ethics and morals, and the failure of the family to instill traditional values, chief among them being the value of human life and respect for others.
As Franklin said our liberties are from God and this country was established to secure them
Did you know in war torn countries millions of kids are being kidnapped and ripped away from their families by terrorist leaders to fight? Hundreds of kids each day are being torn away from their homes and the people they love. The kids are forced to fight for terrorist groups and are brainwashed,with drugs and alcohol, to believe it's the right thing to do.Child soldiers should be given amnesty because they are forced and brainwashed into violent crimes.
How would your point of view be affected by the society you live in? Many different characters have different point of views of the society that the story “The Feed” takes place in. The society Violet lives in affects her point of view because after Violet had the malfunction in which she lost her memories she begins to panic about her idea of life without her “feed”. I have made three inferences which support my thesis statement.
Child soldiers start off young, using dangerous weapons. One soldiers nickname was one hundred because he started off so young it seemed like a hundred years he had known how to use a gun. Therefore making him the youngest of the group to learn how to use an AK-47. And the worst part of that is, before he even joined the war, he hadn’t had a thought. A single thought to kill. In essence, child soldiers are brutally forced to commit war crimes against their will. I am writing this letter to you so you can do something about it because I, me alone. I don’t have the power to change anything but you do. So I decided to show you, the leader of our nation how the public feels about child soldiers and maybe afterwards you will
Throughout the world children younger than 18 are being enlisted into the armed forces to fight while suffering through multiple abuses from their commanders. Children living in areas and countries that are at war are
Rights are a legal entitlement that people are either born with or obtain at a certain age and it requires certain
The policies and efforts that have been thus far enacted to combat this human rights violation have been somewhat successful in lowering the rates of child soldiers. But in orders for these policies to be more effective there needs to be more support of them, and more efforts made. This really isn't an issue that we (as a country) can ignore, it is a serious issue, and one that we need to make a greater effort to stop. It is vital to have more congressional support of this initiative in order to secure funds to send help to these children, and to raise awareness right here in the U.S.
Research Question: How are we going to protect all the children and safeguard their rights?
Children have been described as our future, our greatest resource, and our hope for a better tomorrow. For many Americans, though, children invoke fear. They represent violence, a segment of society lacking in self-control and devoid of ethics and morals, and the failure of the family to instill traditional values, top among them being the value of human life and respect for others.