
Response To Crisis In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Response to crisis Concerning the delicate consideration of three major characters,real and non fictional,there is a reoccurring phenomenon of quandary,an inevitable and common affair that we all face and yet handle very differently. Each man is faced with a dilemma Hamlet is alone to face the challenge of avenging his father after the ghost comes and informs him. He is so distraught because he cannot gain acquisition to the definite truth so in turn he contemplates suicide as an escape to the unbearable responsibility he unanticipatedly obtained. Kennedy on the other hand as president, has to make a change in society about secrecy but cannot do anything concrete about it since it is a democracy. And Alfred is a hermit who is life weary and alone to face his life without anybody nearby to support him in his dire life experience and cannot find the willpower to continue his life. Comparably they don't claim to know the exact answer. The external stimuli is different in each of the situations they find themselves in which in turn brings out various attitudes and behaviours. For example,Hamlet procrastinated,curls into a defeatist mode and blusters: (I.v.99-100) "Yet I,a dull and muddy-mettled rascal,peak like John-a-dreams,unpregnant of my cause,and can say nothing-no,not for a king Upon whose property and most dear life A damned defeat was made.Am I a coward?" Instead of staying too long in his dejection he exposes the King through the play that mimics the deeds that were done in order to see if he reacted in a guilty fashion. But again Hamlet decides to put off the murder whilst seeing the King pray. Hamlet keenly critiques himself for his failure to act,as he would after seeing the man confess to the gods. In the end he succeeds to kill the king,so here again we can observe how deep down,Hamlet's ability to reason is what keeps him from killing Claudius but in the end reacts in a slow and rash manner owing to self doubt, and half-witted thoughts. Kennedy suggests that national secrecy should be broader and more respected but is unable to proclaim the right way to accomplish this. "Nevertheless,every democracy recognizes the necessary

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