
Shakespeare 's Hamlet : A Critical Thinker

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Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most popular dramas in world literature, as it examines the passionate, but toxic ambitions of King Claudius. He murders his own brother, King Hamlet, to overtake the throne, power, and wife. As a result of King Claudius’ fratricide, he inherits the “primal eldest curse” of Cain and Abel, and the dispersion of his venom ends the lives of several major characters. Including, of course, Prince Hamlet, who gets drawn into a deep depression over his father’s death, who later visits him as an apparition. This essay will analyze Shakespeare’s symbolic use of poison, embodied by King Claudius and the unintended consequences of his wicked acts.
Hamlet is a critical thinker for the world around him, seeking opportunities to learn. When Hamlet is confronted with the ghost, he isn’t sure if his eyes deceive him. With further inspection, he learns it is his father who appears in front of him.
‘Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, /To give these mourning duties to your father, /But you must know your father lost a father, /That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term/ To do obsequious sorrow. (1.2.87-89.)
Claudius claims it was a natural death the king experienced and it was supposed to happen the way it did. Claudius is a deceiving character because he shows little remorse or grief from the death. It wasn’t a natural death at all; he was poisoned from his own brother. People had a strong belief

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