
Restorative Justice Is A Cost Effective Way Of Dealing With Crimes Essay

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Introduction Restorative justice is an option to the formal criminal justice system which emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior. It can build the criminal law’s moral reliability and validity, which in turn will give the law the ability to gain compliance 377 (Elias., 2016). Although Restorative Justice has many benefits, it is not for everyone in every circumstance. In this research paper, I will be arguing that restorative justice is a cost-effective way of dealing with crimes, reduces recidivism rates and provides greater satisfaction and outcomes for the victims, offenders and community.
The main objective of Restorative Justice is repairing the relationship between the victim and offender; this can be accomplished by considering the view, experiences and wishes of the victim. At the heart of Restorative Justice are the rights and interests of the victim (Littlechild., 2011). Many victims are shocked at the first thought of coming face-to-face with their offender when the idea is first offered to them, especially if the crime involved violence; after the Restorative Justice process, they come to obtain much more satisfaction with the justice system than they would have through the traditional criminal justice process (Strang. & Sherman., n.d.). Van Camp and Wemmers (2016), argued that many victims of crimes would like to be given the option of Restorative Justice because in many cases they are not; it enables the victims to make choices

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