
Revenge In Oedipus Rex And Medea By Euripides

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In the plays, Oedipus Rex and Antigone by Sophocles and Medea by Euripides (written in Ancient Greece during the 5th century B.C.), motifs: suicide, suffering, and revenge are present. The amount of suicides throughout Greek plays is tremendous, being seen as a brave, heroic way to die; and, one suicide often leads to more killing or, at the least, great suffering. Many of the characters suffer a great deal from situations that could have been avoided, simply if other characters did not seek revenge. Those characters looking for revenge get set on fulfilling their thoughts, eventually succeeding. This combination of motifs make the plays unique and leave the readers with a gloomy mood. Suicide is an important component to any Greek play. By The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of the English Language, suicide is “the act of killing yourself deliberately.” Today, it is the tenth leading cause of death and the suicide rate has increased by 24% over the past 15 years (Suicide 1). Out of the three plays, it is predominantly found in Antigone; she kills herself after being immured by Creon: “as she [Antigone] had been hanged by the neck, Fast in a strip-like loop of linen” (Sophocles Antigone 46). Haemon, grieving, then uses a sword to stab himself “in the middle of his breast” (Sophocles Antigone 46) and clings to the lifeless body of Antigone. Upon hearing her son is dead, Eurydice kills herself: “soon as she heard the raising of the wail for her son’s death, she stabbed

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