
Reverend Hale's Epilogue To The Crucible

Satisfactory Essays

Today was a very eventful day! Reverend Hale came to tell my husband and me that I had been accused of witchcraft. Not long after that Cheever arrived with a warrant for my arrest. I assumed it was Abigail who was my accuser...she is such an evil girl!. They searched the house and asked if I kept any poppet’s. I told them, “I never kept no poppet’s not since I was a girl.” They then found the doll Mary Warren gave to me earlier. They found it a little odd because apparently everything seems to be evidence of witchcraft! They came across a needle stuck in the poppet and were shocked as to what they were seeing. John called Mary Warren down and asked her about it. She said it was a gift to me that she made. Mary explained that she put the needle

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