
Reverse Discrimination Essay

Decent Essays

Over time, our past ancestors had to find new ways to overcome challenges that many often are only able to learn about from history books. Some examples of these difficulties would be the abolishment of slavery, the ratification of the 19th amendment, which allowed any American citizen, regardless of gender to vote, and the civil rights movements that went on during the 1960s. Even though our progenitors solved these challenges that haunted our society for hundreds of years, we still have many other problems that need solving. Such as the unjust and biased treatment of students who have a disability, are part of the LGBT community, or are students of color. Ames High School is taking on these challenges by setting a series of rules for …show more content…

Also, nearly one in four students of color with a disability received an out of school suspension. When you hear about schools in the United States, one immediately assumes that the land of the free will be accepting of other people’s differences but in reality, it’s not. If your child fears going to school because they face discrimination, then wouldn’t you agree that Ames standards are practical? The program targets children that wouldn’t be accepted in a normal school environment, and shows others that even kids who seem different are still the same as other children. It gives children who don’t usually have a chance, an opportunity to try to get a spot to a trip to Cuba.

Being accepted socially in a school is not just one problem that these students must face every day, most of these students also must worry if they have enough money to pay for lunch that day or if their family is able to make ends meat. Many of these children from the specified groups are not able to afford a ticket to go to Cuba with their peers. Research shows that the average income for a white household is $71,300 and the average income for a black household is $43,300. Also, families that have a member working who is on disability earn approximately 37% less than the average American family; both groups earn

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