
Review Of Sherman Cocktail: Old Waldorf Bar Days

Satisfactory Essays

Sherman Cocktail is a classic Manhattan drink found on the book “Old Waldorf Bar Days”. The cocktail received a twist by adding two types of bitters and absinthe for a strong bitter punch. If you are thrilled with trying different absinthe cocktails made from around the globe, this Sherman Cocktail is better to start with. Ingredients: 2 ounces rye whiskey 1 ounce sweet vermouth 1/2 teaspoon absinthe 1 dash Angostura bitters 1 dash orange bitters Twist of lemon for garnish Ice Method: Put ice in a cocktail shaker. Pour the whiskey, absinthe and sweet vermouth. Add in the angostura and orange bitters. Shake to combine the ingredients well. Strain to a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon rind. Your Shernan Cocktail is now ready to serve.

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