
Review Of The Book 'Scorpion Shards' By Neal Shusterman

Satisfactory Essays

I read the book “Scorpion Shards” that was written by Neal Shusterman. This book or plot is really fast pace, unique, and keeps you thinking and on the edge of your seat for the entire book. You never really know how the characters make their decisions or how they’re going to end up at the end. In this book six teens suffer from supernatural tragedies or powers that were caused by a supernova sixteen light-years away that eliminated the night sky. Dillon, Deanna, Winston, Tori, Michael, and Lourdes are the six teenagers that were affected by the supernova. These six have never met each other before, but they all unexplainably meet each other. All these characters had different personalities and each character was lovable in their own way.

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