
Review: The American Revolution in Indian Country

Decent Essays

Malcolm X once said “We (African-Americans) didn't land on Plymouth Rock, the rock was landed on us.”1 While not comparing it as such, nor discounting in any way the tremendous suffering and struggle for equality African-Americans have endured, this work presents a very strong argument that the native peoples of North America, have suffered as much or arguably more so. Indeed several bands had already been obliterated by disease and war with the White invaders from the sea before most of the English colonies were even well established, a pattern which would only continue to get worse. For the Indians living in what is now the eastern United States in the 1770's, the revolution was merely the continuation of a generational war they had been steadily losing for over a century already. Native peoples all across the vast hinterlands had coped with the destruction of their lives and livelihoods as they always had, by adapting and evolving as their situations changed which continued through the revolutionary and beyond.
The prologue presents a sweeping, but well described overview of the complex network of interwoven societies that existed in North America on the eve of the American Revolution. America was already well on its way to becoming the great melting pot of societies and cultures by the mid-1700's. It had become a world where boundaries, bloodlines, and loyalties were all largely fluid and often blurred, with many of the key players being of mixed race of Indian,

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