
Review of the SAT Test

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In researching the types of tests that are administered to determine intelligence, it became very clear that there were many differing opinions surrounding the efficacy of intelligence testing. There exists compelling information that suggest there is a lack of ability for any test to clearly identify and measure intelligence. It is very clearly noted that there is a question of the ability for academics based testing to measure a persons intelligence. One of the most noted tests in the United States that is used to measure the potential of students to perform in an educational setting is the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). Through the years this test has undergone many changes in attempts to overcome challenges in correctly …show more content…

Each section of the SAT is intended to asses the student's ability in each of the fundamental areas. Reading measures the students' processing of information, and draw inferences from the material they are reading. Also, in the reading section students are tested on their comprehension and of vocabulary in context. The mathematics portion measures the student's application of mathematical knowledge, and use their skills to show understanding of tables and graphs as well as use of problem solving skill. The writing portion of the test assesses the students written communication skills. It seeks to understand the students ability to effectively communicate his/her ideas to readers. Additionally, in the writing section students are tested on their ability to revise and edit sentences, and use of grammar and punctuation to alter the presentation of a sentence.

The SAT test is a proctored exam, taken on one of seven preset nationwide testing dates. Students across the country will take the test on the same day in testing centers throughout the nation. Typical testing sites are high schools, universities and other testing centers which are inspected and qualified by an independent company. The test is administered by proctors that are screened by a third party company.
The test is administered at 8:00 am in every location. Every location follows the same procedure. Examinees are expected to arrive prior to 7:45am and the doors to each

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