
Rhetorical Analysis Essay On The Gettysburg Address

Decent Essays

Movement is not just changing your physical location but can also be a joined group of people with the same views working together to make a change. Someone has to call to such action to start any movement at all. Abraham Lincoln was that someone; little did he know his speech the "Gettysburg Address" in 1863 would do just that. Lincoln had very little confidence in this statement and didn't believe it would have any difference at all. However, this speech would go down in history and help start moments around the world.
In his speech, Lincoln first sets the topic of how not that long ago that all men are created equal. This statement was said after the civil war that killed about ten thousand Americans. At this time that meant a lot because the civil war was at its worst. Lincoln continues by discussing that even though this civil war was one of the worst but that it needed to be fought. Abraham Lincoln firmly believed in American freedom, and that is …show more content…

The battle of equality, Lincoln was a powerful advocate for equal rights. He disliked slavery which singled out people of color, and he fought against it. His statement was self-evident in where we have unfinished business. "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth" ("Gettysburg Address" Abraham Lincoln). He wanted us to become stronger together and to see that we can accomplish freedom. He knew we had the strength and will power to do so and that is exactly what he meant by this line in his speech. Lincoln's belief in this country that we could over come and bring freedom was what made this speech the most famous in history, this is in the history books and is always getting talked about. Abraham Lincoln had no idea what impact this speech would have on

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