
Rhetorical Analysis Of Allende 's Two Words

Decent Essays

There is a magic that exists in this world. We use it every day, but we tend to overlook it. This magic that I’m talking about is the use of words. Words are very powerful. They can build up nations or tear empires down. The power of words is prevalent in Isabel Allende’s short story, “Two Words.” She is able to convey her message that words have a magical power to them through literary devices. I believe that the strongest of these literary devices is Allende’s use of imagery, specifically imagery that conveys the character’s personalities, the feelings between Belisa Crepusculario and the Colonel, and the sense of mystery behind words. Allende use of imagery allows the reader to picture specific traits about the main characters. For example, one trait of Belisa is that she is clever, a trait of the colonel is that he is lonely, and that El Mulato is loyal. One example of Belisa’s cleverness is when she learns how to read and write to in order to survive. In the story, Belisa begins by working for a newspaper. She spends her money on a dictionary and a teacher (81). This portrays an image of a little girl working hard, not only physically, but mentally as well. This takes intellect and a determination, but what takes cleverness is not just using words that she found in a dictionary (81). Another example of her cleverness is after she has helped the Colonel, and El Mulato comes for her. Allende writes, “She had been waiting. She picked up her inkwell, folded the canvas of

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