
Rhetorical Analysis Of Beowulf

Decent Essays

During the first marking period of the school year, the concepts that have been taught was how to do annotations and we covered the literary work, Beowulf. When the topic of annotations was taught I learned how to annotate a text, which basically is marking up a text with questions, pointing out interesting pieces. When learning to annotate I also learned about rhetoric. Rhetoric is the way of speaking or writing persuasively, and an author’s rhetoric can be found using the rhetorical triangle. The rhetorical triangle is a triangle used to answer the following questions: Who created the text, who did they create the text for and why did they create this text? The audience is who the message is for, and may include a specific age or gender to get the author’s purpose across. The rhetorical appeals that might be used by an author to get his or her message across would be appealing to the audiences ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos is the perception of credibility, trustworthiness, and characteristics, pathos is the emotional appeal and logos is the perception of logic given off by the author. …show more content…

The poem does have mysteries behind it that cannot be answered such as: Who wrote it, when was it written, and how much of the poem is based on historical truth. I also learned that the only copy of the manuscript was written around the 11th century, but the actual poem dates back to the 8th century and the poem was set in an earlier time period of 500 A.D. The poem also includes a lot of references to Christianity, but the characters and setting stem from the Pagan belief. During the cycle I also learned about kennings which are a compound metaphor, usually consisting of two words where the description replaces the

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