
Rhetorical Analysis Of Churchill's Speech

Decent Essays

May 26, 1940, “Operation Dynamo” began. This was an evacuation of allied soldiers in Dunkirk during World War II from the beaches and harbor. The evacuation ended June 4, 1940 (The editors of The Encyclopedia Britannica). At this point in time most of the world was feeling defeated. “Prime Minister Churchill knew this and understood the necessity for a rise in morale. He feared this speech would simply be another telling of a horrific battle” (RCL). Churchill’s speech had a huge impact on the way the rest of the world viewed the war, people had hope again for defeating The Axis-Forces. One of the reasons Churchill’s speech had such a huge impact on his audience was because of his tone. His tone is very sober, otherwise known as serious, but also very inspirational at the same time. Throughout his speech Churchill repeatedly states that we should not give up and that we should fight to end even if there is no chance of victory. After listening to the speech online the audience can feel how the soldiers, wives, mothers, fathers, husbands, children and everyone else who was listening at that moment in time found hope again for winning the war. Churchill used rhetorical devices also to instill hope into his audiences’ mind. The rhetorical device found in the speech is known as repetition. “We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our

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