
Rhetorical Analysis Of Colin Kaernick's National Anthem '

Decent Essays

In this political cartoon, Colin Kaepernick, a former San Francisco 49ers football player, is sitting on the bench during the annual National Anthem. While Kaepernick is sitting on the bench, fans are screaming, “Get up Kaepernick!! Men died for your right to stand!!” Meanwhile, on the other side of the political cartoon, two men in the armed forces are quietly stating in the background, ”Actually, we died for his right to sit or stand…” The author’s purpose is to convey the idea that when it comes to the Kaepernick kneeling during the National Anthem, there are two different opinions, you’re against Kaepernick kneeling or you’re defending Kaepernick kneeling. The author uses rhetorical strategies such as exaggeration, stereotyping and juxtaposition …show more content…

Stereotyping within this cartoon is represented by Americans that support patriotism by yelling at Kaepernick for kneeling during the National Anthem. Americans who believe in patriotism believe that no matter what, you should respect our country, flag and National Anthem. Some Americans tend to get upset when players in the NFL, like Kaepernick, disrespect our country and our flag by kneeling during the National Anthem. Freedom of speech is depicted through the image of Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem. This tends to be typical of black players in the NFL, like Kaepernick, who kneel during the National Anthem because they believe that they shouldn’t stand up and show pride in a flag that represents a country that oppresses blacks and people of color. Logos is shown with the representation of the military within the political cartoon, which shows that the military doesn’t fight for the right that you must stand for the National Anthem, but rather that they fight for the right to have the privilege to stand or sit during the National Anthem.
The author uses the rhetorical strategy of juxtaposition to help illustrate that soldiers died for Americans to have the right to sit or stand during the National Anthem. The author places two binary opposites; Americans who believe in patriotism and Colin Kaepernick sitting, to help draw attention to their differences. In the political cartoon, the author

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