
Rhetorical Analysis Of Frank Bruni's The Dangerous Safety Of College

Decent Essays

“The Dangerous Safety of College” Rhetorical Analysis It is made clear that college students are quick to form an opinion which doesn’t expand knowledge and can show unintelligence. Many people, more specifically protesters, believe one side and won’t open up and listen to the other side. Frank Bruni, an Op-Ed Columnist for the New York Times and the author of 3 New York Times best sellers in 2015, 2009, and 2002, tells us that the college protesters are wrong. His argument states that the college students need to be educated more on the whole subject because lacking education can essentially lead to being biased or sticking with the one side you believe in. The students were protesting a guest speaker, Charles Murray, who is identified as anti-gay, racist, and sexist. Although the guest speaker’s beliefs are terrible, the students should hear what he has to say. Frank Bruni’s “The Dangerous Saftey of College” presents an effective logical appeal; however, it lacks clear and concise evidence along with not presenting an emotional appeal to connect with the audience. Frank Bruni gives prominent evidence to back up his claim and referrers himself with the audience to show that college protesters should remember the purpose of education, but where is the connection between the audience and Frank? A connection draws the audience in and allows them to feel more understanding with the authors claim. In “The Dangerous Safety of College” the connection is unclear between the

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