
Rhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass 's ' The Great Principles Of Political Freedom And Of Natural Justice '

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Born a slave in Maryland but managed to escape in 1838 was one of the most influential African American leader, Frederick Douglass. A person who battled assiduously for the abolishment of slavery. His speech “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro” is only one of his many great efforts to putting an end to slavery. The true subject matter of his speech is American slavery however in particular it addressed the hypocrisy of American slavery. Douglass’s main argument in regards to his speech is followed by this rhetorical question “Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?” which sets up for the thesis “This Fourth of July is yours, not mine.” Meaning that celebrating the fourth of July is all about independence and freedom but it is ironic how America reinforces this however following a system of trading slaves- snatching away the black people’s freedom instead.

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in the year of 1818, but he successfully managed to escape becoming a leader of the abolitionist movement. Not only was he an abolitionist but also an orator, writer, and statesman. Douglass was a strong and passionate believer of equality amongst all people as he had famously said, “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.” He was also the very first black citizen to hold a high government ranking in the U.S. Douglass was invited

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