
Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech

Decent Essays

During a time of racial division in the United States, Martin Luther King jr. delivered his “ I Have a Dream” speech to over 200,000 people on August 28th, 1963. King's speech was one of the most powerful and influential speeches to an era of people who had a hard time listening. King was one of the biggest leaders in the civil rights movement and his speech was a call for Americans, both white and black, to unite and have racial justice for African Americans. To further his point, king utilizes many rhetorical devices such as repetition, pathos, and allusion to effectively encourage the American people to make change.
Kings most notable rhetorical strategy is the use of repetition throughout his speech. As he delivers his speech, king repeats the phrase, “ I have a dream” which emphasises his point the he sees a new America that is free of racial division and colored justice. Also repeating “we will not be satisfied” emphasises his point that African Americans will not stop the fight against injustice until they have equal rights and treatment. The effect of repeating these phrases, is king's strategy to EMPHASIS his argument that the war on racial injustice toward blacks will live on till change comes and becomes this new vision that he has.
Furthermore, King pushes an emotional strategy of pathos to help bring the people closer to his dream of a better America. One remark that he notes in his speech to connect to their emotion is “ I have a dream that my four little

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