
Rhetorical Analysis Of Presidential Prayer Breakfast By Laura Mcginess

Decent Essays

Upon reading Laura McGiness’ essay analyzing the rhetoric of Bill Clinton’s Presidential Prayer Breakfast, it became very clear that McGiness would give his speech an astounding A. Focusing solely on McGiness’ feedback, nothing negative is said about Clinton’s writing tactics. Though McGiness’ praises practically everything about the speech, she seems to focus on three main characteristics that make the speech successful; the fact Clinton wrote a “personal apologia”, Clinton’s frequent use of religious terms, and the presentation of the speech. By McGiness acknowledging how futile an attempt Clinton’s prior speech, the Map Room speech, was to regain the people’s trust, she makes the Presidential Prayer Breakfast look successful by comparison. McGiness basically states that by making the Presidential Prayer Breakfast a personal apologia, Clinton shows the listeners a vulnerable side, he appears sincere, and he accepts the blame instead of attacking his accusers. McGiness acknowledges that the tactics Clinton use, humility, sincerity, vulnerability, correlate well with the ideals of his audience as well as they make him seem “contrite”, something missing from his previous speech. Overall, McGiness attributes a good …show more content…

She recognizes the effect that rhetoric has on the live audience which was composed of clergymen. As stated by McGiness, the Presidential Prayer Breakfast had a “personal nature” which “enable[ed] Clinton to discuss his personal journey of repentance”, something the clergy are accepting of and appreciate listening to. McGiness also focuses on how the multiple religious references portray spiritual themes to the audience, something Clinton knows they will relate to therefore enhancing his character. McGiness made sure to point out how Clinton works the crowd with rhetoric to be relatable, and how he succeeds in doing

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