
Rhetorical Analysis Of Whisper Of Aids By Mary Fisher

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Whisper Of AIDS was a speech by Mary Fisher. Mary Fisher is an AIDS Activist, and she was giving this speech at the Houston Republican National Convention in 1992. Mary had AIDS, which she got from her husband. She was a white heterosexual mother of two, so this was striking to the Republicans because the typical stereotype of a person who got AIDS at the time was a homosexual person or a drug abuser. Mary’s goal was to break the silence of AIDS. Her main purpose was to raise awareness about AIDS/HIV to the world.
Mary in her speech used ethos to appeal to the audience. She tried to persuade her audience not to treat others with HIV/AIDS like outcasts, claiming the president at the time, Bush Sr., and his family treated her like any other human. Mary also used …show more content…

AIDS is bad, and only bad people get it; this is what the Republicans thought, so as stated in ethos and to be used alongside logos, to prove that Mary had authority over the other Republicans, she had to give reasons to persuade her audience that it wasn’t just a disease for the wicked. Don’t ignore it; it can happen to you was her motto for this speech. Her reasoning was to get to the hearts of the Republicans at the convention because this was happening to mostly men, and at the time, most of them were men. Before her speech, they didn’t think HIV/AIDS affected them, “despite the fact that AIDS was the leading cause of death for U.S men aged 25-44” (The Exigence of AIDS). She saw that the presidential candidates were not really focusing on the issues at hand; she figured that was the silence she met for the issue. She reasoned that it can happen to anyone, claiming it is all around us, so we should not just keep it a secret, but bring people to speak more openly about

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