
Rhetorical Analysis Of Why Literature, By Mario Vargas Llosa

Decent Essays

Rhetorical Analysis of “Why Literature”
“Do not focus too much on the branch or the leaf, lest you forget that they are part of a tree, or too much on the tree, lest you forget that it is part of a forest”. (Llosa II). Just what does the author mean by this quote? What is he referring to when he says this? Does wants the reader to see the bigger picture rather than focus on themselves or the world they live in right now or to think about the future, present, and past generations and see the big picture of life and what it can offer?
The Premature Obituary of the Book: Why Literature is an essay written by Mario Vargas Llosa. In this essay Llosa writes that it is crucial for literature to be a part of people’s lives. In Why Literature he writes that reading is important for the mind, communication, and developing knowledge about life and democratic ideals. Reading is not only important for one’s self but for the world. Just as he mentioned in his quote, it’s not just about the leaf, or the person, but its about seeing the world in different ways and being able to experience and gain knowledge on all subjects. Through his writing he gives many valid points as to why reading literature is important to people of all ages and genders all around the world. Llosa’s persuasive essay is relatable and can get readers thinking about the importance of reading by using many valid points in his essay. Llosa presents his reading to many different audiences and he effectively persuades the audience through his points given in the reading. He does this because he wants the reader to understand why it is necessary for people to learn and experience new things through reading literature and other texts.
Llosa mentions many different reasons in his text as to why it is crucial for people to keep literature in their lives. In Llosa’s third paragraph he brings a survey that was done. He states,
In Spain, for example, a recent survey organized by the General Society of Spanish Writers revealed that half of that country's population has never read a book. The survey also revealed that in the minority that does read, the number of women who admitted to reading surpasses the number of men by 6.2 percent, a difference that appears

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